Now ABB surfs worldwide on the personalized guiding beam of Wonderlandmovies

Now ABB surfs worldwide on the personalized guiding beam of Wonderlandmovies

With the new, personalized "Welcome" movie, Wonderlandmovies has created a format that celebrates every new ABB employee worldwide with maximum personalized energy. No sooner has a new employee confirmed their own hiring on the ABB website than a beam of energy is unleashed, carrying the happy message cinematically throughout the world. The entire film was realized in-house at Wonderlandmovies, from conception to technical implementation, including the elaborate energy beam animations. The result was a format for ABB that strengthens the emotional connection to the company even when personal contact is temporarily not possible. A prime example of how to bind employees from the start. The film is created and delivered in real time in all countries, languages and alphabets.

Example video

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With pleasure. We will then prepare something for you. Tailored to your needs.